MKGSA GSP Revisions
On January 28, 2022 the Kaweah Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) received an incomplete notice from the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) regarding our submission of the 2020 Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs). The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act allows GSAs 180-days to make revisions to address the deficiencies identified by DWR.
MKGSA GSP Revisions
The Mid-Kaweah Groundwater Sustainability Agency (MKGSA) has been working with the Greater Kaweah GSA and the East Kaweah GSA to address the deficiencies outlined by DWR. Kaweah Subbasin managers, legal counsel, staff, and consultants have been meeting weekly to do the technical analysis and revisions to the GSPs required by DWR under SGMA compliance. Provided below are the current revisions to the MKGSA GSP for review.
On August 27, 2022 the MKGSA and the other Kaweah Subbasin GSAs uploaded the First Amended MKGSA GSP and the first Amended Coordination Agreement to the DWR SGMA Portal. Below are the final submitted documents.
MKGSA First Amended GSP (Clean)
The MKGSA GSP was revised to include changes to the Chronic Lowering of Groundwater Levels and Subsidence approach to developing Sustainable Management Criteria. The document was also modified to incorporate interrelated aspects, such as Groundwater Storage and the Projects and Management Actions Chapter.
MKGSA First Amended GSP (Redline)
The MKGSA GSP was revised to include changes to the Chronic Lowering of Groundwater Levels and Subsidence approach to developing Sustainable Management Criteria. The document was also modified to incorporate interrelated aspects, such as Groundwater Storage and the Projects and Management Actions Chapter.
Coordination Agreement "Clean"
The MKGSA in collaboration with the East Kaweah GSA and the Greater Kaweah GSA has revised the Coordination Agreement to incorporate the revised approaches adopted to address the deficiencies identified by DWR. The documentation provided for review is the only section that was revised in the Coordination Agreement.
MKGSA Second Amended GSP Public Review DRAFT
The MKGSA GSP was revised to include changes to the Chronic Lowering of Groundwater Levels and Subsidence approach to developing Sustainable Management Criteria. The document was also modified to incorporate interrelated aspects, such as balancing the operational flexibility for groundwater levels and affordability to mitigate beneficial uses and users.
The MKGSA GSP was revised to include changes to the Chronic Lowering of Groundwater Levels and Subsidence approach to developing Sustainable Management Criteria. This document includes supporting documentation for the subbasin-wide technical work informing the policies and plan.
MKGSA Board / Advisory Committee Workshop - July 6, 2022
On July 6, 2022 the MKGSA Board of Directors and the MKGSA Advisory Committee conducted a workshop to review the proposed revisions to the MKGSA GSP. During the workshop a presentation was given to describe the revisions that were made to the MKGSA GSP. Below is a link to download the presentation and also a link to a video of the workshop.